‘A girl should only be married off when she is mentally mature’
Lahore, Pakistan In a gauzy fantasy, Safia Badal imagined becoming a bride and looking “the prettiest on my wedding day.” But at 13, she was surprised by a proposal and same-day marriage – in an ordinary dress. Had she been a burden on her impoverished, divorced parents? As a 19-year-old homemaker in the capital of Punjab province, Safia remains in a marriage that has brought disappointments – but also two young sons.
My name is Safia, and I am a resident of Bilalnagar neighborhood in Lahore.
I was married off when I was just 13.
Every girl wishes to become a bride and move to her new home.
This is the day when she looks the prettiest of all.
This is what I wished, too.
One day, some guests arrived, and they talked about a proposal.
I was married off the same evening in the dress I was already wearing.
I do not know if a girl is a burden on her parents or not.
It is up to the parents to decide.
My parents got divorced, and I moved with my mother to my grandmother’s house.
There was poverty in the house.
I am 19, and my older son is 3½ years old. The younger one is 1½ years old.
A girl should not be married off at a very young age because she does not know how to manage a household.
She is not mature enough at that age.
A girl should only be married off when she is mentally mature.
What the community says
14 سال کی عمر میں شادی ہو جانی چاہئے ۔ عورت کے لیے بھی ٹھیک اور اس گھر والوں کے لیے بھی ٹھیک۔
TRANSLATION: A girl should be married off at 14. This will be good for the woman as well as her family.
Qari Fida Mohammad
Global perspective
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بلوغ کے بعد جنسی ضرورت شدت سے محسوس ہوتی ہے اور شادی کے بغیر جنسی ضرورت پوری کرنا غیر مذہبی، غیر فطری، غیر انسانی اور ایک حیوانی عمل ہے... فطری راستہ ترک کرنے سے زناکاری، ہم جنس پرستی اور خود لذتی کو فروغ ملتا ہے جو کئی لاعلاج بیماریوں کا باعث بنتا ہے.. لیکن لبرل طبقہ اس کو کبھی Highlight نہیں کرتا...
TRANSLATION: One feels a strong urge for sexual intercourse after reaching adolescence, and trying to fulfill this urge outside wedlock is against the religion, unnatural, inhuman and devilish. If the natural remedy is not provided, sex outside wedlock, homosexuality and masturbation get promoted, which results in incurable diseases. However, the liberal elements of the society do not highlight this aspect.
Gul Muhammand
Swat, Pakistan