“… because it’s time for new leadership, because it’s time for new energy and it’s time for a new commitment to make sure that the opportunities that I’ve had are available to every American.”

Photo of Julian Castro

Julian Castro

Faculty member with the LBJ School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin

WITHDRAWN: January 2, 2020

Julian (who-lee-AN) Castro said he is running for president “because it’s time for new leadership, because it’s time for new energy and it’s time for a new commitment to make sure that the opportunities that I’ve had are available to every American.”

Accomplishments: Castro graduated from Stanford University and Harvard Law School. He was San Antonio’s mayor for five years and the Housing and Urban Development secretary during President Barack Obama’s second term. He delivered the keynote address at the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

Foreign policy: He criticized Trump for his “erratic” decision to withdraw troops from Syria, but conceded he would have basically done the same thing, only differently.

What sets him apart: Castro has framed his upbringing as the story of an underdog. If elected, Castro, the grandson of a Mexican immigrant, would be the first Latino president.

Platform: He supports universal pre-kindergarten funded by the federal government, single-payer health care system or “Medicare-for-All,” raising the minimum wage and comprehensive immigration reform to provide a pathway to citizenship for all undocumented immigrants.