Eyewitness accounts of the day Kabul fell to the Taliban
Those in Afghanistan a year ago have vivid memories of the Taliban’s swift conquest of the country as the last U.S. forces withdrew. Shabnam Salehi, a former chief of a women's protection unit in Afghanistan and a member of the country's Human Rights Commission, which the Taliban dissolved in May, shares her experience.
ArtLords, a grassroots movement of artists in the Afghan capital created murals and other art on blast-damaged walls. Omaid Sharifi, president and co-founder of ArtLords, was creating a mural on a wall in Kabul on August 15, 2021, when word spread that the Taliban had entered the city. He shares his experience of that day.
Negina Khalili was a prosecutor for the previous Afghan government. On August 15, 2021, when the Taliban took control, she received death threats and was forced to evacuate the country. She shares her story.
Masoud, who did not want to share his family name for security reasons, is a former Afghan National Army colonel and on August 15, 2021, when the Taliban took over Afghanistan, he was in uniform and at work. He shares his story of the day Kabul fell.